COMMUNICATIONS INTERN - Missouri Dept. of Conservation
Writing Samples:
Following my internship with MDC, I was asked to freelance this article highlighting the ways Tree Campus Higher Education -- and trees themselves -- benefit college landscapes and communities alike. Read the or flip through the Missouri Conservationist magazine, here.
Madi Nolte Freelance Writer April 01, 2021

If you're like me, you love all the fresh, juicy fruits in season during the summer. If you're even more like me, finding motivation to get outside in the heat of the summer can be a struggle.
Madi Nolte Communications Intern, MDC June 11, 2019

A news release covering a program offered by Runge Nature Center....
Madi Nolte Communications Intern, MDC July 11, 2019

A feature article about MDC's Nature's Needlers, a program full of dedicated individuals passionate about both nature and the art of quilting.
Madi Nolte Communications Intern, MDC Sept. 19, 2019

Design Samples:

Life of a Bobwhite
Published in Missouri Conservationist magazine, Aug. 2019

Turkey Numbers - at a Glance
Published in Missouri Conservationist magazine, Oct. 2019

Deer Hunter and Landowner Surveys - at a Glance
Published in Missouri Conservationist magazine, Sept. 2019